Dog Sharing
I must admit that before I came across these two elderly ladies I had never heard of dog sharing, but came across this by accident some 30 years ago.
The story goes like this:
Molly and Jean were two retired ladies living near Penzance in Cornwall, both lived in the same street and within a few weeks of each other had both lost their dogs of old age. Both were devastated and swore that neither of them would have another dog. The pain of loss was too great to go through again. Molly was struggling with her mobility and Jean had thrown herself into charity work so was quite busy, however, both realised that their lives were not the same without a dog.
So the two ladies came up with a dog sharing scheme. In both houses, they put in place identical beds, bowls, toys etc and adopted a miniature wire hair dachshund called Bobby.
Jean did the exercise bit, took him to vets and took him out and about in the car when she was on her charity work.
Molly who was much less mobile played with him in her garden and generally did the babysitting bit. Both ladies found that the system worked well and Bobby happily went from one house to the other without any problem.
Jean, in particular, was keen to stress that this system worked very well for them and hoped that it would be an inspiration to others, particularly in the retired community.
Now before anybody thinks about copying this, let’s be clear what is involved.
Both ladies were in complete agreement about how this was going to work. They had been close friends for decades.
All expenses were shared.
All Bobbys’ paperwork showed both ladies as co-owners.
On the demise of one of them, the surviving lady automatically became Bobbys’ sole owner.
I suggest that the success of this venture is due to the total harmony in this relationship, no jealousy no hostility.
It is not going to work for everyone but it is thought-provoking.
“In order to keep a true perspective of ones importance everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him.”
Dereke Bruce