The Ambassador and Otto
This story is recent and reminds me of my own experiences of living abroad. For expatriates, whilst we anticipate never needing the services of the embassy, the telephone number is always to hand. When I lived on the island of St Lucia I met the British Government Representative (BGR) and members of his staff so I was given a small insight to the role.
Very few of us have anything to do with our country’s ambassadors. Most folks have a very distorted view of their role and wrongly assume that if you end up in trouble with the law in a foreign country, the ambassador is going to get you out of the trouble.
That is not why they are there; in fact, whilst they are able to offer assistance and advice, they have no mandate to interfere with the legal process in the country where they are posted.
Their primary function is to promote British interests in the country they are sent to, harmonise relations with the current administration regardless of their political persuasion, and facilitate trade and commerce. Plus, of course, keeping their home government abreast of developments in the country to which they are sent.
Get paid to travel the world
In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, an event broadcast worldwide on television, prompting the teenage Victoria Harrison to ask her father what a diplomat did. The reply.
“Get paid to travel the world, learn languages and represent their country.”
She thought that was a fantastic idea.
Any of you who have ambitions to be an ambassador can consider yourselves warned. Learning languages is a priority, so some ability in this department is not only desirable but critical.
Naturally, they need to be diplomatic in all their dealings with officialdom.
Well, that rules me out for a start, as I am to diplomacy what Oliver Reed and George Best were to temperance!!
Victoria Harrison will become the UK ambassador to Slovenia in August this year. This is not her first posting, so she knows what is ahead, including a new home, a new route to work, and, of course, finding the best cafes and restaurants. A career diplomat, she joined the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office in 1997 and has served in various capacities around the world, including Helsinki and Sarajevo.
Official roles
So the role of ambassador includes attending banquets and official functions where etiquette is demanded, apart from learning the language. Fine dining etiquette rules are mandatory, and for us common peasants, they can be found on the internet. Like me, I suggest you have failed to observe them on virtually all fine dining occasions!!
I am sure you will be happy to know that Victoria will be accompanied by her faithful dog, Otto, a two-year-old Labrador Retriever cross.
By now, you are wondering what is going on. Why are we talking about Victoria Harrison? What is so special about this lady?
Well, it’s like this: Otto is no ordinary canine anymore, and Victoria Harrison is an ordinary diplomat.
The truth is that Otto is not only her faithful companion but is vital to Victoria in her private life and even more so in her career because Otto is a Guide Dog, and Victoria Harrison is totally blind.
Victoria was the first blind person to join the Foreign Office, the first blind diplomat to be posted overseas and soon will be the first blind ambassador.
Going back to fine dining etiquette; how an earth does one converse with foreign diplomats in their language which you have only just learned, follow the fine dining rules and make sure you don’t knock over the wine glass all at the same time. Let’s be honest. It’s tough enough for a sighted person, but doing it unsighted. Respect!
Fans of the original TV series Star Trek will be familiar with the words and will forgive me as I paraphrase.
Otto “Will boldly go where no dog has gone before.”
This means that Otto has ensured his place in history. He will be the first Guide Dog to accompany the first blind UK Ambassador.
The first photo of an official function will be interesting. The men in their tuxedos, the ladies in their ball gowns and who will be the most photographed individual? I guarantee none of the humans. Yes, it will be Otto.
Pub quiz question
This will occur in August this year, and you need to remember all this because it almost certainly will become a quiz question in the years to come.
In 2024, the first totally blind UK Ambassador was posted to Slovenia. What was her name and the name of her guide dog?
Returning to my time in St Lucia, I discovered one benefit of working in the foreign diplomatic corps. I found that the BGR and his staff observed all bank holidays, both UK and St Lucian ones. So, if that policy still applies, you need to know that UK foreign embassies are not fully functioning on UK bank holidays, as well as the ones in the country that you are visiting!!
“It is an honour to represent the UK as our next ambassador to Slovenia. During my career I’m pleased to have witnessed the Diplomatic Service become much more reflective of the diversity of the country we serve and I’m proud to be part of that change.”
“Thanks to Guide Dogs for providing me with my second life-changing dog, Otto, who will be accompanying me and my colleagues who have supported me in this journey. I can’t wait to get started in Slovenia later this year with Otto in tow.”
Victoria Harrison
UK Ambassador designate to Slovenia