Why does my dog…..?
1. Why does my dog urinate on car tyres?
It’s actually quite simple. Male dogs prefer a vertical surface and the car tyre is at a very convenient height.
As it is so desirable it may also be because other dogs have already been there. Yours is merely covering the previous dog’s scent with his own. An entire dog will use his urine to impress the ladies and a neutered dog will engage in territorial marking. Female dogs sometimes lift a leg as well, particularly the Alpha females
2. Why does my dog drop to the ground when approached by another dog?
This is an invitation to play. Your dog is adopting a non-threatening posture and making itself smaller.
3. Why does my dog sleep on its back?
If yours does this you can be very pleased with yourself. It shows that your dog is comfortable and feels very safe. In the wild, a dog sleeps either on its belly thus protecting its vulnerable area or curled up for the same reason.
4. Why does my dog sniff any available crotch?
It’s particularly embarrassing when the vicar comes to tea or you are entertaining Great Auntie Gladys but you can blame it on pheromones. We have a high concentration of these pheromones in our genital and anal area. Whilst you are mortified at your dog for what you see as an appalling lack of refined behaviour, in the dog world this is the epitome of good manners. It’s the equivalent of shaking hands.
5. Why is my dog fascinated with my underwear?
Basically, it is those pesky pheromones again. Our underwear is rich in the stuff, particularly after sex and when a lady is menstruating.
6. Why does my dog roll around in poo!!
Well, we have several options for this one and let’s be honest if the experts can’t agree then what chance for the rest of us.
- Your dog is trying to mask his scent.
- Your dog is trying to cover the scent with his own.
- He just likes the smell. Especially badgers and foxes!!
Take your pick.
And while we are on the subject of poo.
7. Why does my dog go round in circles before a poo?
Let’s start with the obvious one. Both in humans and canines, the mantra has always been “movement stimulates bowels.” That circling assists your dog in having a more fulfilling experience.
Another school of thought is that this is a relic from the past when dogs were wild and it was necessary to trample the ground to ensure the area was free of snakes etc. This ensured that they didn’t get bitten on the bum!! There are those who believe that dogs prefer to be aligned North to South with the earth’s magnetic field.
I suppose there are now some of you who will be checking which direction your dog is facing when having a poo!
8. Why does my dog eat grass?
Various choices on this one. Grass contains vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and fibre and for dogs who are fed a high protein diet, it assists digestion. For some dogs, it is used as an irritant to encourage vomiting if they feel unwell. Finally, some dogs just like the taste!
9. Why does my dog howl when I play music?
This is a tough one. Regardless of what you may read there is no definitive explanation. It may be because your music is too loud and your dog who has excellent hearing is protesting. It could be that your dog likes the music and is offering what he considers to be a suitable accompaniment. It could also be a relic of his ancestral heritage as a wolf.
10. Why does my dog eat other dog’s poo?
Sorry, we have returned to poo again!
- An imbalance in your dog’s diet.
- Your dog is stressed and suffering anxiety.
- He likes the taste.
11. Why does my dog try to cover his poo?
He isn’t trying to cover it!! What he is doing is disturbing the surface with his feet which have scent glands in them. He is marking territory.
It’s a case of. “I was here”
12. Why does my dog drag his bottom on the floor?
Probably the result of blocked anal glands or worms. Either way, a visit to the vet is necessary.
13. Why does my dog smell “fishy?”
It’s almost certainly those anal glands again
14. Why does my dog continually scratch and/or shake his head.
If it really is continuous he has parasites or ear mites. A visit to the vet is required
15. Why does my dog stare at me?
- Generally, he is attempting to communicate with you.
- Come and play.
- I need to toilet.
- Begging.
- It’s dinner time etc.
- In old dogs, it shows cognitive dysfunction.
16. Why does my dog lick my hands and feet?
Any of the following. Submission, Anxiety, Affection, Reassurance and Attention.
17. Why does my dog sigh?
Simply put, contentment; however, if it is constant and the sigh is very heavy or exaggerated your dog could be in pain.
18. Why does my dog knowingly misbehave.
If your dog commits the same crime knowing that he will be chastised then either your training programme is seriously flawed or he is so bored that it is his only way of getting your attention.
19. Why does my dog like to chew?
The main reasons are, Teething, Boredom and Stress, Finding new textures to chew is part of the learning process as the dog grows up.
20. Why does my dog not cry when he is in pain?
Your dog has tear ducts, but unlike you, the liquid drains back towards the throat and nose.
Your dog’s system is less complex than yours and that’s why he shows his distress vocally.
If your dog does have tears you need a visit to the vet
21. Why does my dog bark at people?
Multiple choices on this one. Excitement. Protecting you. Frustrated they can’t meet. Uncomfortable with some people’s presence. If it continues seek professional assistance.
22. Why does my dog bark at the moon?
Honestly, there is no real hard evidence that your dog is barking at the moon. There are a couple of explanations.
It may be that the dog’s acute hearing is picking up sounds of nocturnal animals foraging, or the very bright light is disturbing to the dog’s excellent night vision.
23. Why does my dog lick a spot to make it raw?
Boredom, Separation Anxiety, Stress, Pain, Obsessive Behaviour, Allergies. A visit to the vet is recommended.
24. Why does my dog get amorous with cushions?
This occurs regardless of gender. Excess energy, Stress release, Boredom, Lack of exercise, Dominance.
In the majority of cases, it is not sexual but it is advisable to neuter anyway.
25. Why does my dog get excited after a poo?
Do I really need to answer this one? Think about it. Your dog has to wait to be taken out to relieve himself. Don’t you feel good afterwards? And you don’t have to wait!!
“To my mind the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. It is entitled to the protection of man from the cruelty of man.”
Mahatma Gandhi